NCSA Bear Teachings

Bear Teachings from Cree Ceremonial Elder, Fred Campiou
Since 1970, the Bear Spirit has been looking after and protecting NCSA as an organization. In these early years, the Elders and Leaders provided many prayers, ceremonies, and teachings to allow NCSA to be a strong organization for the people.

The original NCSA logo was developed in the 1970’s and had a single Bear walking to the West. The West direction represents the past. For fifty years, NCSA looked to the past to learn from our Ancestors in order to help the people. Many of these Ancestors are now a part of the spirit world. The Bear now walks East with a cub under its loving protection.
For the Nehiyaw (Cree) people, the Bear has deep spiritual significance. The teachings of the Bear are vast and many learned through ceremony. The Mother Bear is connected to our origins as people and how we came to be on this land. The Bear is a Healer, providing medicine from her body. Human beings have a special relationship with the Bear. The Bear looks after us and we look after the Bear.
The NCSA Board of Elders also asked to have a new generation represented in the logo. A Bear Cub was added under the loving protection of its Mother. The Mother Bear provides training and teaches the Cub, passing on knowledge. The Cub represents the new generation of young people in the agency, who will continue to help the people.
This new generation will learn from the past, while looking towards the future.