Residential School Health Support
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Support as you need it
Open to any former Indian Residential School student and their family members regardless of their status or place of residence. The program provides emotional health and wellness support, including:
- Referrals to healing and wellness programs and supports
- Emotional support at community events
- Circle Facilitation
- Hearings as requested by Health Canada
Call us to speak to a support worker.
RHSW Program
RHSW Workers perform the following work in the community:
- Provide information to schools, colleges, and organizations about the impacts of Indian Residential Schools
- Provide support within the educational system regarding Indian Residential Schools as its taught in the Alberta Curriculum
- Networking and relationship building to provide seamless and appropriate supports to clients
My records. My choice
If you made a claim for compensation for abuse at Residential School, your RHSW Worker can help you decide what you want done with your claim records. You have 2 choices, Public Access at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation or Restricted Access. Ask your RHSW Worker for more details.
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14904 121A Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5V 1A3