Stan Daniels Healing Centre
All Regions
The Stan Daniels Healing Centre (SDHC) is a 72-bed Community Residential and Section 81 Healing Lodge. SDHC houses conditionally released and federally sentenced Indigenous inmates.
Residents must be willing to learn about their Indigenous cultures and work with Elders. They are encouraged to participate in ceremonies (i.e. Sweat Lodge, Sun Dance, fasts, and round dances). The Healing Lodge includes common rooms, program rooms, ceremonial room, central dining area, hobby room, and weight room.
How to transfer to Stan Daniels
* Recent Elder Review required
* Submit a letter to SDHC through Parole Officer
* Letter should explain why you want to transfer and what you hope to accomplish
* Must conduct an in-person, video or telephone interview
* SDHC will send Parole Officer a written response

Address: 9516 101 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 4R6
Program Details
The foundational program at Stan Daniels is the Warrior Program. Guided by Elders, this circle-based group program explores the effects of personal and historical trauma and provides opportunities for spiritual exploration and healing.
Resident Responsibilities
* Take part in recommended programming
* Complete small daily chores
* Treat everyone with respect and kindness
* Give back to the community
* Abide by Healing Lodge rules
Watch the Video: Journey of a Warrior – The Stan Daniels Healing Centre
Program Opportunities
Indigenous Offender Reconciliation Program
The Indigenous Offender Reconciliation Program at Stan Daniels Healing Centre and Buffalo Sage Wellness House facilitates the reintegration of offenders to Indigenous communities through a reconciliation circle process. Learn More Here
Mending Broken Hearts Program
This grief and loss program explores the many losses that occur within offender’s lives and the importance of grieving these losses within a healthy lifestyle. Participants begin by exploring the loss of significant people within their lives and the manner in which these losses occurred; including suicide, violent death and accidental death. Participants reflect upon how they have grieved these losses and identify how the grieving process has effected changes within their lives.
Mamoweh Askiy Wahkotowin Relationship Program
This program challenges participants to reflect upon the relationship that they have in their lives. These include: themselves; with their families of origin; and with significant others. Through the examination of these relationships, participants identify qualities in their partners that are supportive of a healthy lifestyle, look at potentially destructive behaviours and prevent them from finding happiness, then learn to build upon strengths they have identifies in themselves and others as a foundation in reaching their goals.
Job Placement Services
Job Placement services conducted by the Centre’s Job Placement Coordinator provide supported job search and where needed, direct matching to a suitable job. Direct job matching can be done with the Job Placement Coordinator, employer bank or with employers from other sources, such as newspaper or online ads. Once a resident has gained employment, close contact is maintained through work site visits and regular dialogue with residents. The Job Placement Coordinator provides intensive support for both the resident and the employer, and assists residents with issues that may arise such as work ethics, conflict resolutions, work place problems, decision making, communication, stress management, team work, attitudes and maintaining a positive relationship with the employer.
Escorted Temporary Absences
Community Programming (e.g. AA and NA)